Cosmogenic nuclide moraine chronologies from Patagonia: A globally synchronic response of mountain glaciers during T1?

Published in PAGES Magazine, 2023

Soteres, R.L., Sagredo, E.A., Kaplan, M.R., Martini, M.A., Riquelme, F.M., Schaefer, J.M. “Cosmogenic nuclide moraine chronologies from Patagonia: A globally synchronic response of mountain glaciers during Termination 1?” PAGES Magazine 31(2), 108-109.

Surface-exposure dating of moraines reveals that Patagonian glaciers fluctuated at the pulsebeat mimicked in polar ice cores from both hemispheres. These findings favor hypotheses that invoke coupled oceanic–atmospheric drivers to generate and propagate millennial-scale climate shifts during Termination 1.
